Tuesday 18 May 2021

From Volunteer to Community Facilitator with Nurani Dunia

My First Humanitarian Work with Nurani Dunia, 2003 -2005

A. Introduction
Before working in AHA Centre, and UNDP, most people know me for my works as a Program Assistant for Disaster Risk Reduction with UNESCO Office Jakarta. A title that I earned until last August 2018, with a short comeback as Project Assistant for Social and Human Sciences Unit that lasted on December 2018. In this agency, I have worked for 4,5 years a new track record that needs to be preserved as the longest organization I have ever worked with. Rarely people know that I actually began my career in the humanitarian sector in 2003, which was 17 years ago. I considered myself lucky because I received the honor of working as volunteer with a great and smart lecturer, the founder of the Nurani Dunia, Mr. Imam Prasodjo.

It actually began with several of my achievements and rewards that I received from the researches that were done with the research team of Criminology Laboratory of Faculty for Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) of the University of Indonesia. I stumbled with an announcement of Call for Application for Scholarship from Mandiri Bank in partnership with People to People Aid US and Nurani Dunia (https://nuranidunia.or.id/). Never did occur in my head that I can be selected as one of the recipients for the scholarship at that time. At that time, in July 2003, I was a young woman age 20 years old and still figuring out what my future would be. There were 9 people that were selected for the scholarship. They came from different universities with different backgrounds, only two candidates were selected from the University of Indonesia, which were me and the Head of FISIP Students Senate (I was also a member of the FISIP Student Senate who served in the Community Development Unit). Here and after, Nurani Dunia named us TIM-9. I only remember 3 of them, since I still contacted them a few years ago: Hamid/member or candidate legislative for Banten area, Ilah/Entrepreneur, and Asep Hambali/Activist on Museum and Heritage

Certificate of Accomplishment or recognition of my academic and social works in the university

B. Assignment as Surveyor and Assistant for JW Marriot Bom Victims
The arrangements and assignments were quite simple. Mandiri Bank provided us scholarships per month, and Nurani Dunia deducted 20% of our scholarship to be used for the operational costs for the humanitarian program that directed planned and executed by the TIM-9. At that time I initiated to develop Reproduction Health and Anti Drugs Campaign that implemented in one of the Community Based Programs of Nurani Dunia, which was the Bonang Community that was located in the Proklamasi, Central Jakarta area. Prior to the event, in August 2003, Nurani Dunia recruited some of the members of TIM-9 as Victim Surveyor and Assessor Post JW Marriot Bombing in the Kuningan area, South Jakarta (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2003_Marriott_Hotel_bombing).  I was one of the selected surveyors that were recruited for the program.
Appreciation Letter from Mr. Jaskula, GM Marriot Hotel for our assistance in helping the victims and the family recovering 

In 2003, I would say that this was the year of the terror era in Indonesia. Despite the fact that my background is in Criminology, yet I am not too attracted to the issue of Terrorism. But then again, I got a chance, at least to understand and have a close look at the impact of this violent act. As a surveyor and assessor, my job was mainly to assist the victims of the bombing and their families. The program was supported by USAID that provides aid in the form of cash for livelihood, health insurance, and psycho-social assistance. I was assigned to assist 3 victims 67 from the bombing. I accompany them when they were in the hospital until they got out for home care and throughout the recovery and rehabilitation process. 2 of them were security guards from the hotel and a waitress who worked in the Airlangga Restaurant. I am only able to recall my memory of this particular assignment with one of the guards who was heavily injured and became paralyzed from the bombing. He was the only victim who refused the aid assistance: the victims can choose whether to receive cash or in-kind support such as scholarship or capital to start up their alternative income generation.

The guard refused to meet me during the assessment process. During the first encounter with him, he said "It was part of my job and a risk that I have to take. I don't need reward nor money, because that what I did". The statement that came from his mouth stunned me. Most of the eyewitnesses said that this man was the one who actively helps other people to evacuate. I came by his house several times and discussed it with his family. I was aware that he will not be able to work normally because of his physical limitation and injuries from the bombing. He has family and children that need to be supported, and he refused to receive aid assistance. I was thinking that this family will need longer-term assistance, so I assured him by saying "think about your family, you do not have to accept the aid for yourself, instead, accept it as a way to support your family life in the long run". He and his family members finally agreed and came out with a proposition asking for capital in kind of items to open their own basic needs shop, and requested for rehabilitation and outgoing medical treatment as part of the recovery process. Back in Nurani Dunia, people highly appreciated my works in ensuring the victim and his family, and the solution of non-cash aid in respect to the victim's will. I was so grateful to provide such alternative example for the aid asisstance. 

In October 2003, along with the other surveyors and assessors, we received an invitation from JW Marriot Hotel in Kuningan for a gathering and appreciation event. When I was stepping into the hotel, I felt frozen and scared, maybe because spending intensive time hearing the story from the victims themselves somehow has made me directly traumatized. I remember just a couple days after the bombing, I visited the scene and saw blood spatters scattered around the scene. It was a horrific view that still vividly stayed in my head. A similar fogging view appeared when I visited this hotel years after. 

Back in college, we learned about Victimology, a subject that discussed the victim perception of crimes, including PTSD (Post Traumatic Syndrome Disorder). One of the mechanisms to reduce PTSD is through a support group. It was a relieve feeling knowing that the victims and their families have decided to establish this kind of support group. Later in February 2019, the victims and families were invited to meet with one of the convicted terrorists of the act in a book-launched event organized by National Agency for Anti Terror (BNPT). It was part of the reconciliation process in order for the victims and their families to understand the terrorists' perspective, and for the terrorists to understand the impact of their violent act.

I appreciate the experiences that I got from this assignment, it opened my eyes to understand the concept of deradicalization and terror act from a humanitarian perspective. I became a regular participant in every seminar, workshop, and conference that discussed the theme of Terrorism. I found myself fascinated and how easily can a person be derailed from good to become evil. I really hope that I can start to dig my professional experience in this subject and hope to have a future opportunity to work in this specific sector.

C. Reproduction Health and Anti Drugs Campaign
After the assignment for JW Marriot Victims completed, the TIM-9 began to focus on the preparation of the reproductive health and anti-HIV/AIDS campaign. I was assigned as the event coordinator for this project, I assumed either because was the youngest personal among the other member, or because of my educational background. The project basically promoting healthy life, sex education for the youth, and raising awareness of the community on the threats of drug abuse. At that time, this area has become one of the hot spots for drug trafficking. 

Later in 2005, a year after I completed my contract with Nurani Dunia, I did small research in this area as part of the study that I took on Narcotics Crime. I did a direct observation, meaning that I came to the area on regular basis, taking pictures, and interview several key persons in the area. I remember when I was handing in my assignment, the Assistant Professor, gave me C for the assignment. I complained to him because I believe I have done significant research work and put extra effort and time into it. He was furious and said to me that my assignment was not worth enough for my precious life. He was scared that I have exposed myself to a local mafia group in the research area. 

Having a bad mark on your assignment did not stop me from doing other research near that area. A few months after, I brought up the issue of prostitution in Taman Lawang for my Crime Decency assignment. Lucky enough, at that time I had a boyfriend who is a military officer stationed near the area. So, I spent few days observing the behavior of the community in the area and draw a cycle of activity in which the prostitution area is divided into three types of sex workers: the widow, the school student, and the transgender. Each of them seems to have consent on when they have to split their operating hours. The widows will provide their service in the morning, the school students in the afternoon, and the transgender in the evening. This time I got an A for this assignment, maybe because of my persistence, perhaps?. 

Let's get back to the time when I was assigned in promoting reproduction health and anti-drugs campaign. So, as an Event Coordinator, I got a lot of help and assistance from Team-9, we managed to collaborate with Mrs. Baby Jim Aditya (a psychologist who is also an HIV/AIDS activist) and also with the National Narcotics Agency or BNN. Which eventually this collaboration led to BNN's support for the establishment of Rumah Belajar Bonang through the provision of vocational training for the youth group in the area. Overall, the campaign event is a success and many of the youth groups attended it. 

The event has grown my interest in promoting anti-drugs campaigns to the local communities. As results of my engagement in the issue, I was invited to many events either as a facilitator or guest to promote a similar campaign, such as through the 1st Pilot Project of Community Policing Program that was implemented in Beji Village, Depok City, West Java Province, and when I was appointed representing the national universities' students during the International Anti-Drugs Campaign. I owe a great deal to Nurani Dunia that has provided me the opportunity to explore the other side of my crime-related interests in the Anti-Drugs Campaign.
After more than 1 or 2 years of contributing to several events related to drug-campaign, I got a chance to represent the national university students in declaring anti-drugs and met with President Yudhoyono, and the Head of BNN and Head of Indonesian Police Force, General Sutanto

I got this Plank after moderating a program launching on Community Policing hosted by the University of Indonesia, Department of Criminology

I was moderating an Anti-Drugs Campaign in my neighborhood, which was targeted for the Youth Group...but none of them were showing up in this event. I was furious and feeling failed at that time because I was the Head of the Youth Group and I should able to ensure their presence.

D. Community Empowerment and Social Conflict Management
As a follow-up from the Reproduction Health and Anti-Drugs Campaign, Nurani Dunia through one of their staff asked me to make a draft of concept note for the establishment of a Community Centre in the Bonang-Tambak area, targeting the youth group. My concept note was pretty simple, providing the youth with knowledge sharing, and counseling service for their problems, and provide simple solutions on how they can plan their future better. Until now, I am not really sure whether they used and applied my concept note to the project, but in 2003, Nurani Dunia launched Rumah Belajar or Community Learning Centre with the support from General Electrics Fund. A few years later BNN also contributed to providing vocational training for the youth groups from this area. 

When you have a Community Learning Centre, you will need some human resources to run it, so lucky me that Nurani Dunia contacted me and asked me to support the Centre by teaching English Course for elementary students during the weekend. This was my 1st experience teaching children. When most of the young women my age spending their weekends with the boyfriends or besties, I spent my time teaching the children.  Yet again, my experience in this Centre I adopted in my project with Mercy Corps in 2008-2009 as part of intervention for Jakarta Flood Risk Reduction. Huge thanks again for the Nurani Dunia in taking me in to be their community facilitator.

Very unfortunate that I do not keep my pictures for this program. However, I put some links that mentioned Rumah Belajar Bonang as an endnote. 

E. Emergency Response Earthquake and Tsunami Aceh and Nias
In 2004, ending the year, a huge tsunami and major earthquake struck Aceh and Nias. I remember at that time I heard the news from the TV Broadcasting. I was at my Aunt's house and called my ex-boyfriend at that time of the event because he is an Acehnese. At the same time, one of the Student Regiment (MENWA UI) alumni that was a post on Aceh, also lost contact and everybody was busy looking for the info on the impact of this catastrophe. Nobodies realized that the events resulted in devastating loss and damages. I remember receiving a call from Nurani Dunia, inviting Team-9 to be part of their Response Team. Only a few of us were available at that time. Nurani Dunia began to set up a warehouse in a car showroom near their office, and I remember that once it was set up, a lot of donations were flowing in. from Coca-Cola, USAID, JW Marriot Hotel, and others. To appreciate all partners that have contributed to the response, Nurani Dunia decided to name their response team as Indonesia Peduli. 

I was on my final semester exam when I decided to take part in supporting the Logistics Team. I divided my time between college and response, in which I was taking the duty hours from early morning to afternoon. I was assigned to support the manage the warehouse with the other volunteers. this includes: documenting the relief items that were in and out of the warehouse, quality checking of the items (expiration date, packaging, etc), and transporting the relief items to Air Base Halim Perdana Kusuma, and Naval Base Kolinlamil Priok. I remember when I assisted the team in moving the items to the trucks and went to the Air Base, we had to wait hours to register our relief items and queue for any Hercules from foreign military forces able to carry these items. At that time I worked with the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) and US Air Force both in the warehouse of the Air Base and during the transporting to their aircraft, Hercules. I even got the chance to test drive the ambulances that Indonesia Peduli donated for Aceh. 

Several things that I remember for my 1st response mission were: 1) the foreign military forces were very professional, they worked pretty fast and timely, without their faces looking tired or exhausted (we spent hours picking and moving the items by our bare hands, so definitely was a labor job), 2) Nurani Dunia worked in multi-stakeholder partnership platform, and show high appreciation and recognize their partner contributions well, 3) Volunteers are not paid, yet they were treated well and professionally, 4)  The standard quality for the items that were going to be distributed (branded used clothes, imported tea bags, UHT Milk, and ready meals from the partner hotel for their medical volunteers that based in Aceh) were high, 4) Having extended network in Jakarta, Aceh, and Nias bases with regular communications ensure the response mission went well.

F. Closure and Recommendation for the New Volunteer or Newbie in Disaster Management
I will end my story here on my first experience ever working with a humanitarian organization. Yet, you will find my collaboration with Nurani Dunia in another story, as I am always fond of their works. for those newbies, I will leave you with some recommendations or tips on how you can make or leave your marks.
1. Working as volunteer means that you work freely and do not get pay (in most cases), so you really need to enjoy and have passion for the tasks that are delegated to you.
2. Take the opportunity to make use of the networks that you get, you will use them in your next path. It will also help your work in the future.
3. Use your ears, eyes, and mouth and be active. This means that try to listen to what the organization shares with you, observe how they do their works, and do not hesitate to provide your feedback or inputs, as long it is relevant.
4. Maintain a good relationship and communicate with your previous organization once a while, why? because they will help you to give you a good reference for your next professional job, and there will always a room to come back once you fall.
5. Respect and maintain the good image of the organization. Even if you disappointed or angry or sad because the organization did not give you enough respect or recognition, never disgrace their names in public. Take your experience as part of a lesson learned in life. 
I hope this story can encourage young people out there to start building their interest and passion in humanitarian works. We need to spread more kindness and positive acts for better, stronger, and resilient communities.

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Reference Readings


  1. awesome humanitarian works, I believe this article will inspire many other to do volunteer work and choose humanitarian as career path. So proud of you kak Yuni 👍👍👍

    1. Thanks so much Mas Gde :)...all success and good health in return
