DRR Mainstreaming Into Health Sector
By Yuniarti Wahyuningtyas
Following the earthquake and tsunami that struck Aceh and Nias few years behind, the concept of Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) has been a popular program trend that is developed by nearly all NGOs, Government agencies, and Private Sector. It is not just dealing with the context of the hazard itself, but also being linked to other development issues, such as: education, health, poverty, etc. In this article, i would like to highlight and emphasize the DRR mainstreaming into health sector. This article i wrote based on my experiences working with the health agencies at the national and local level, these include: the Centre for Health Crisis of Ministry of Health (PPKK Kemenkes), Health Bureau (Dinkes), Community Health Centre (Puskesmas), and Mother and Child Health Centre (Posyandu).
Refers to my experience working in Flood Risk Reduction Project that was implemented in DKI Jakarta Province by an International NGO few years behind, the role of health cadres and health officer at local level in DRR is crucial. These actors play major role in term of not just responding but also in preparedness. They operate under the directions of Ministry of Health through Center for Health Crisis or known as CHC/PPKK (Pusat Penanggulangan Krisis Kesehatan). This center has 9 regional crisis centers that located in some provinces (North Sumatera-Medan, South Sumatera-Palembang, DKI Jakarta-Jakarta, Central Java-semarang, East Java-Surabaya, South Kalimantan-Banjarmasin, Bali-Denpasar, North Sulawesi-manado, and South Sulawesi-Makassar) and 2 sub-regional (located in Padang and Jayapura) that assisted them in monitoring the crisis and emergency situation at local level across the country. Its main functions, are as:
1) health operational support center,
2) health relief control center,
3) health reference center, and
4) media center
Based on its functions, the CHC develops program activities related to DRR, these include: prevention, mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery. Few actors know well what achievements that have been achieved by this technical unit, one of them is the development of contingency planning in health sector that already done in nearly 150 districts/cities. Unfortunate, that according to its staff, the health sector contingency plan is rarely to be incorporated into the local disaster management contingency planning that BPBD developed. Other thing that CHC is developed that interest me, is that they support the Emergency Management Medical System that linked up 92 hospitals in Jakarta through 119 Call Centre. Nevertheless rest assure that this system would work if the hospitals start to improve their services instead of taken advantage from the patients.
Personally, i am more interesting to discuss about the health services and facilities at ground level and on how to connect them with DRR. i always have a fond on the work mechanism of Posyandu and Puskesmas, as an individual who aside in suburb, these health facilities definitely play important role in providing health services to the communities, especially for those who are not afford, have limited access to it and vulnerable groups who are the utmost needed. Experiences tell me that it is better to improve these facilities instead just focus on the major issue at national level. In term of Posyandu, a lot of its health services that ease the burden of communities to get a good qualified basic health needs, such as immunization, additional foods/nutrition, free milk, and fulfillment of elderly needs. The Posyandu at RW/Hamlet level usually assisted by the women group, a doctor and midwife with monthly schedule.for health service provision. During the weekend, the women group also monitoring and checking the water storage and household hygiene door to door by visiting each household house. Surprjisingly, according to them, all of these activities come from their collective voluntary fund.Nevertheless,the present of NGOs,local or international, also health volunteer practitioners and private sector that work in health sector also give valuable contribution to improve health condition of communities, in regards to limites resources that health officials have.
The needs to have a strong collaboration and joint efforts from health actors can be fulfilled through the establishment of health sector coordination, either at nationl or international levels. The health sector usually establishes during emergeny or crisis situation instead of normal situation, this paradigm of coordination should be shifted by developing more sense on developing cooperation through real actions and joint resources in order not just to improve the communities health condition, but also to build public awareness and support the government for health program.
Refers to my experience working in Flood Risk Reduction Project that was implemented in DKI Jakarta Province by an International NGO few years behind, the role of health cadres and health officer at local level in DRR is crucial. These actors play major role in term of not just responding but also in preparedness. They operate under the directions of Ministry of Health through Center for Health Crisis or known as CHC/PPKK (Pusat Penanggulangan Krisis Kesehatan). This center has 9 regional crisis centers that located in some provinces (North Sumatera-Medan, South Sumatera-Palembang, DKI Jakarta-Jakarta, Central Java-semarang, East Java-Surabaya, South Kalimantan-Banjarmasin, Bali-Denpasar, North Sulawesi-manado, and South Sulawesi-Makassar) and 2 sub-regional (located in Padang and Jayapura) that assisted them in monitoring the crisis and emergency situation at local level across the country. Its main functions, are as:
1) health operational support center,
2) health relief control center,
3) health reference center, and
4) media center
Based on its functions, the CHC develops program activities related to DRR, these include: prevention, mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery. Few actors know well what achievements that have been achieved by this technical unit, one of them is the development of contingency planning in health sector that already done in nearly 150 districts/cities. Unfortunate, that according to its staff, the health sector contingency plan is rarely to be incorporated into the local disaster management contingency planning that BPBD developed. Other thing that CHC is developed that interest me, is that they support the Emergency Management Medical System that linked up 92 hospitals in Jakarta through 119 Call Centre. Nevertheless rest assure that this system would work if the hospitals start to improve their services instead of taken advantage from the patients.
Personally, i am more interesting to discuss about the health services and facilities at ground level and on how to connect them with DRR. i always have a fond on the work mechanism of Posyandu and Puskesmas, as an individual who aside in suburb, these health facilities definitely play important role in providing health services to the communities, especially for those who are not afford, have limited access to it and vulnerable groups who are the utmost needed. Experiences tell me that it is better to improve these facilities instead just focus on the major issue at national level. In term of Posyandu, a lot of its health services that ease the burden of communities to get a good qualified basic health needs, such as immunization, additional foods/nutrition, free milk, and fulfillment of elderly needs. The Posyandu at RW/Hamlet level usually assisted by the women group, a doctor and midwife with monthly schedule.for health service provision. During the weekend, the women group also monitoring and checking the water storage and household hygiene door to door by visiting each household house. Surprjisingly, according to them, all of these activities come from their collective voluntary fund.Nevertheless,the present of NGOs,local or international, also health volunteer practitioners and private sector that work in health sector also give valuable contribution to improve health condition of communities, in regards to limites resources that health officials have.
The needs to have a strong collaboration and joint efforts from health actors can be fulfilled through the establishment of health sector coordination, either at nationl or international levels. The health sector usually establishes during emergeny or crisis situation instead of normal situation, this paradigm of coordination should be shifted by developing more sense on developing cooperation through real actions and joint resources in order not just to improve the communities health condition, but also to build public awareness and support the government for health program.
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